Real Talk Sonography:
A Video Series Presented By ARDMS
In three words, what does sonography mean to you?
If your sonography career were to end tomorrow, what would you be most proud of?
Is there a patient that you’ll never forget? (April 2, 2019) *
*Some content may be difficult for sensitive viewers. Viewer discretion is recommended.
What was a defining moment in your career?
If you had to do it over again, would you choose this career?
We interviewed over 20 sonographers, who received a credential through ARDMS, skipping the small talk in favor of real talk. We asked questions about their profession and its impact on their lives. We delved into defining moments and patients they would never forget, for better or worse. What started out as a single video quickly developed into several as we watched the interviews and realized that the stories, insights and emotions displayed could never adequately be shared in 3 minutes. *
The interviews affirmed that sonography is more than just a transducer and sound waves. It’s long hours, it’s constant learning, it’s innovative technology and advances, it’s musculoskeletal pain from being in the same position day after day, it’s teaching students and guiding the future of sonography but most of all, it’s patients. It’s listening to, comforting and supporting each patient that comes in, caring for them as if they were family.
For our Registrants (certified by ARDMS), we hope these videos will encourage you to pause for a moment and reflect on how you would respond. We also hope you will be inspired to share with us your own #RealTalkSonography video! If you decide you are interested in submitting a video, please email so we can reach out to you once the information is available.
For those unfamiliar with sonography and would like to learn more about it, we hope these videos will offer insight into this “secretive club” of amazing healthcare professionals!
*Some content may be difficult for sensitive viewers. Viewer discretion is recommended.
The POCUS Movement
Advancing the Field, Serving the Community
The POCUS Certification Academy is committed to expanding the knowledge and practical application of point-of-care ultrasound around the world. Get to know the POCUS community and the movement they are creating.

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