A Worldwide Community

The diversity of the Inteleos community of certified medical professionals is what makes this organization unique. Our network of Registrants & Certificants consist of:

  • Sonographers
  • Physicians who specialize in and/or practice ultrasound, cardiovascular MR, CT, and nuclear medicine, and vascular and endovascular medicine
  • Point-of-care ultrasound users in family medicine, emergency medicine, radiology, internal medicine, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and midwives.

Join us in creating a world where everyone has access to high quality healthcare delivered by providers who have demonstrated their proficiency. Together, we can save lives, establish trust, and expand equity in healthcare.

Inteleos Certificants Across the World

See how many active Certificants we have in each country around the world by interacting with the below map. Orange indicates a number above 10,000. Yellow indicates a number between 1 and 9,999. Areas with no Certificants are indicated by the color blue.